Friday, October 21, 2011

Chefchaouen (Morocco), how to arrive.

From Spain

If you arrive by boat from Spain is better to choose Ceuta then Tangeri.
Take a public bus to the Morocco border, once that you pass the police check and you finally are in Morocco there are many taxi.
Take one to Tetouan, always bargain the price first.

By bus
From Tetouan there are direct bus to Chefchaouen, they lived me quite far from the center. But it's possible that some kind guy give you a lift to the Medina (the old center of the city).

Chefchaouen is cheap like all Morocco, but here you can find a bed for only 4 euro a night, of course dont expect all comfort. I slept in a hostel, on the roof, at the end worth it. Sleep under the stars is always a good compromise.

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