Tuesday, December 27, 2011

What The Airlines Don't Tell You!

If you miss your flight and there's just time to catch another, go right to the other airline's departure gate instead of to its ticket counter. If it has an empty seat, the second airline will usually honor the ticket for the flight you missed. Good to know it!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Weird Places, McMurdo Dry Valleys Antarctic

Is the largest ice-free region in Antarctica. 15.000 km2 area. Its landscape includes glaciers, mountain ranges, ice-covered lakes, sand dunes, wathershed system. It's a region where life exists at the very extreme enviromental  limits.

Since 1995 tourists have visited Taylor Valley.
Here you have tour operator links
Aurora Expeditions
Heritage Expeditions
Quark Expeditions

The Perfect Travel Shoes

Mike Richard searching for the " perfect travel shoes". Reading the features, i guess he found it.
Check it out http://www.vagabondish.com/cushe-universal-traveller-baja-mocc-wp-review/?utm_source=crowdignite.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=crowdignite.com

Cushe Universal Traveller Baja Mocc WP

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Incredible Desert Oases

Ubari lake oasis
Nakhl Fort Oasis
Desert lake oasis, Brazil


Fish pedicure in Budapest

Desperate need of a pedicure after long days of travelling? Kangal fish will be your personal beautician. Yes, i'm talking about a fish, that curious little animal eat dead skin, leaving the healthy skin soft. You can try it in Budapest at this address:
A-List, Jozsef Nador ter 8, Pest, Budapest.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The seabirds island, Berlengas (Peniche)

The Berlengas Grande Island is one of the most inspiring place i have seen in Portugal. Located in the west coast, 10 km far from the city of Peniche where you can take ferry and it takes 45 minutes to arrive.
The Island is a nature reserve for seabirds, actually thousand of birds stay here during migration. For that reason camping is not allowed, but if you decide to visit the island i strongly recommend to sleep here, even for a night, inside of Forte São João Baptista.

The fort has a rich history, once was a monastery, in fact in 1500 the monks decide that was a perfect place to live in austerity through solitude and silence, but soon became victim by many attacks from pirates, monks decide to abandon the monastery. Later with the ruins of the monastery was build the fort, an ideal defensive position from barbary pirates. Now is a basic hostel.
I want to be honest, the rooms are really old, mine has also a broken window, no sheets and beds are full of dust, there is no electricity after some hours and the water as well, but the place really worth it. There is a bar where you can eat, but my favorite place was the roof, is like a huge terrace where you can walk around, lay down during the night under the moon, surrounded only by the sea and and the light of lighthouse. The only sound will be the waves and the birds. Isn't magic enough? 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Essaouira (Morocco), how to arrive.

By bus:
There isn't any train station, so most of the people arrive here by bus. There are daily buses from Casablanca, and it takes around six hours. Buses from Marrakech takes 2,5 hours. If are you leaving Essaouira to go to Rabat or Fez the buses  leave twice a day to Marrakech trains station.

By taxi:
You can take also a taxi from Marrakech airport of from the main bus station, the trip is around 3 hours, the price should be 50 euro, bargain well and maybe you can get less.

"Fishy" Essaouira (Morocco).

Essaouira is a coastal small city. I arrived here with a different expectation, some people were talking about the beautiful beaches, but if you are coming here thinking a nice swim in the sea that's not at all like that. Is the ocean water so it's pretty cold and windy as well. But if you are a surfer that's the right place.
The atmosphere is much more relaxed compared to Marrakech chaos, so is not a bad idea come here and enjoy few days. Life here turn around tourism and overall is a fishing town.
That's exactly what run on my mind when i think about this small city, the food was delicious, around the port there are many restaurant boat that offer you fresh fish, but the best restaurant are the open kiosks where you actually can see and choose your favorite fish.

The Medina is not big like the others city, so you won't be lost, even i have to admit i didn't like so much, i couldn't find some typical shops, i thought they were made only for tourist. But during the night there is a strange atmosphere because of a strange fog, i love when Morocco is surrounded by mysterious air.

Beyond all my considerations about how the place change because of the tourism, Essaouira gave me a lot through the people, walking around there are a many situations that you want just immortalize, the different has always a strong attraction on me.

“If a man leaves little children behind him, it is as if he did not die.” Moroccan proverb.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Marrakech, how to arrive.

By plane:

Marrakech has an international airport called Marrakech-Menara airport, with many flight from all over Europe, for the others countries you must change plane in Casablanca. Many lost cost companies arrive in Marrakech. Royal Air Morocco is the company that travel inside of the country. The airport isn't far, 9 km, you can take a taxi or the bus number 19.

By bus:

There are many bus companies also for long distance. The recommended companies for tourist are CTM or Supratours, personally i travelled also with small locals companies to get the cheapest price, never had problems but sometimes is quite hard to be understood and the bus may stop many times without any logic, but is the others side of the travel and could be funny if you don't care too much about the delay.

By train:

There are tegular trains from Casablanca, Rabat and Tangier. If you are arriving from Spain for sure you will take the train from Tangier, and it takes around 10 hours, there are night and day trains. Morocco trains has first class with 6 seats or second class with 8 seats. No trains further south Marrakech, you must travel with buses. Unexpectedly i found the trains quite comfortable.

What a mess Marrakech!

Noisy then silent, colorful and rich of perfumes, exotic, magic and mysterious, Marrakech is everything. All yours  expectations won't fail. The city is moving all day long, the first impression is like a crash, every single thing draw your attention and once you get use the bloody mess become a different "normality".

pray time during Ramadam

I knew Ramadam was the best period to visit the city, you can breathe the strong spirituality and the devotion of all the people, even you are not a believer the atmosphere is charming. Koutoubia is one of the biggest mosques of muslim west, the tower is  67,50 m high. I was sitting there when the minarets were singing and was absolutely magic.

Koutoubia mosque

The bazar its called "souk", is located in the heart of the city, the old part (Medina), here are concentrated all the traditions old thousand of years. Once was divided into specific sales area, but now the division is vanishing. Dont be shy, here is normal accept a mint tea gave by a seller, and bargain the price is one the funniest game. Get lost around the souk and eventually find an exit, is always funny and never dangerous.
After the sunset the souk become empty and silent, welcome to mysterious Marrakech.

Djemaa El Fna square is a big space where you can see all the shows from jugglers, snake charmers and much more. While in the morning is used for the fruit and spices market. The name Djemaa El Fna is quite macabre, it means "dead gather" because once this place was used for public executions.

One of Marrakech jewels are the gardens, beautiful and peaceful, perfect to have a rest from the hot temperature.

Marrakech is a muslim city so there is not a full night life, but if need something stronger then a mint tea some hotels sell wine, beers and cocktails.
The city will give you many experiences and impression and the only way to discover it is walk. In my opinion is one the best city ever seen, and the reasons are hard to explain, some feeling are just for your self  thats why Marrakech is magic.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Chefchaouen (Morocco), how to arrive.

From Spain

If you arrive by boat from Spain is better to choose Ceuta then Tangeri.
Take a public bus to the Morocco border, once that you pass the police check and you finally are in Morocco there are many taxi.
Take one to Tetouan, always bargain the price first.

By bus
From Tetouan there are direct bus to Chefchaouen, they lived me quite far from the center. But it's possible that some kind guy give you a lift to the Medina (the old center of the city).

Chefchaouen is cheap like all Morocco, but here you can find a bed for only 4 euro a night, of course dont expect all comfort. I slept in a hostel, on the roof, at the end worth it. Sleep under the stars is always a good compromise.

Chefchaouen, on the top of Rif Mountains.

Chefchaouen, is located in the south of the city of Tetouan, northern Morocco, dominated by the Rif mountains.
Charming and traditional, Chaouen is paint of blue!

I spent here the best days of all my travel in Morocco, the atmosphere here is different, a weird air of tolerance and freedom. The answer could be quite easy to be found. The reputation of this small village is connected to the marijuana growing, all around the mountains. Quite funny to see how the local population seems to dont care too much, instead in Morocco drug use is scourge.
The beauty of all the small street of Medina (the old town) is absolutely catchy. The mosque singing with the sunset, and then the magic silent looking at the mountains around you is a perfect end for your day.

What you dont have to miss are the cascade!
I took a taxi to go there, but for be sure that he would come back in the evening to bring me back Chaouen i asked to the guy of the hostel, need to be clear on that with the time, there arent taxi there!
The drive until the mountains was the first part of the day adventure, literally! The dirt road were simply scary, and even i was laughing on the fast driving of the taxi driver, inside me i was just praying to get there more then safe, alive!
Once that i arrived, i realized that the cascade still far. More then 2 hours by walk though the mountain path, found out that is better to dont venture alone, a little kid become our guide for some money.
Hot temperatures didnt help me to walk, definitely trekking is not for me. And after that the kid indicated me at the other side of the mountain a "big animal" seems like a lion mountain, my walking get faster!

When finally the cascade was in front of me, all of this worth it.
There were even some tables, and other guys simply happy to be there, and with reason. The place was amazing, and also a natural swimming pool just before the fall. Have a swim there with the pure and so cold water gave me all the energy  i lose walking. A perfect day that i truly recommend you.