Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The seabirds island, Berlengas (Peniche)

The Berlengas Grande Island is one of the most inspiring place i have seen in Portugal. Located in the west coast, 10 km far from the city of Peniche where you can take ferry and it takes 45 minutes to arrive.
The Island is a nature reserve for seabirds, actually thousand of birds stay here during migration. For that reason camping is not allowed, but if you decide to visit the island i strongly recommend to sleep here, even for a night, inside of Forte São João Baptista.

The fort has a rich history, once was a monastery, in fact in 1500 the monks decide that was a perfect place to live in austerity through solitude and silence, but soon became victim by many attacks from pirates, monks decide to abandon the monastery. Later with the ruins of the monastery was build the fort, an ideal defensive position from barbary pirates. Now is a basic hostel.
I want to be honest, the rooms are really old, mine has also a broken window, no sheets and beds are full of dust, there is no electricity after some hours and the water as well, but the place really worth it. There is a bar where you can eat, but my favorite place was the roof, is like a huge terrace where you can walk around, lay down during the night under the moon, surrounded only by the sea and and the light of lighthouse. The only sound will be the waves and the birds. Isn't magic enough? 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Essaouira (Morocco), how to arrive.

By bus:
There isn't any train station, so most of the people arrive here by bus. There are daily buses from Casablanca, and it takes around six hours. Buses from Marrakech takes 2,5 hours. If are you leaving Essaouira to go to Rabat or Fez the buses  leave twice a day to Marrakech trains station.

By taxi:
You can take also a taxi from Marrakech airport of from the main bus station, the trip is around 3 hours, the price should be 50 euro, bargain well and maybe you can get less.

"Fishy" Essaouira (Morocco).

Essaouira is a coastal small city. I arrived here with a different expectation, some people were talking about the beautiful beaches, but if you are coming here thinking a nice swim in the sea that's not at all like that. Is the ocean water so it's pretty cold and windy as well. But if you are a surfer that's the right place.
The atmosphere is much more relaxed compared to Marrakech chaos, so is not a bad idea come here and enjoy few days. Life here turn around tourism and overall is a fishing town.
That's exactly what run on my mind when i think about this small city, the food was delicious, around the port there are many restaurant boat that offer you fresh fish, but the best restaurant are the open kiosks where you actually can see and choose your favorite fish.

The Medina is not big like the others city, so you won't be lost, even i have to admit i didn't like so much, i couldn't find some typical shops, i thought they were made only for tourist. But during the night there is a strange atmosphere because of a strange fog, i love when Morocco is surrounded by mysterious air.

Beyond all my considerations about how the place change because of the tourism, Essaouira gave me a lot through the people, walking around there are a many situations that you want just immortalize, the different has always a strong attraction on me.

“If a man leaves little children behind him, it is as if he did not die.” Moroccan proverb.